First Congregational
Church of
First Congregational
Church of
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are most...
No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are most...
Some of the MINISTRIES of our Congregation
The fellowship and outreach of the First Congregational Church has been a steadfast anchor in the community for close to 300 years. For more than half a century our historic building has been home to more than a dozen non-profit local groups in the spirit of giving back to the community. This is in keeping with our focus on nearby missions that do not spend funds on mailings and telephone calls requesting donations. These organizations depend on hard-working volunteers, and assistance from groups and congregations, including our Church Family, who are committed to helping our neighbors in need in the Merrimack Valley. The assistance we provide is both financial and material aid.
Click on each organization to visit their website.
The Community Giving Tree, based in West Boxford, is an organization focused on helping needy children in the Valley. They partner with local social workers to provide gently used children’s clothing, baby equipment, layettes, diapers, and school supplies.
Ruth’s House in Haverhill is dedicated to providing basic necessities for disadvantaged families in our surrounding towns. They raise funds through a well-organized Thrift Shop, and are constantly on call when a family is in crisis.
Our Neighbors’ Table is an extensive Food Pantry, located in Amesbury, and serves twelve area towns, including Georgetown. This organization partners with the Boston Food Bank, and offers perishable and non-perishable food items to families with meal insecurities.
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, located in Newburyport and Amesbury, is a mission that changes lives by helping victims of domestic violence through safety planning, legal assistance, counseling and a supportive community.
Although our focus is on our own neighboring missions, we have, for more than four decades been enthusiastically dedicated to two “away organizations”:
Heifer Project International, whose home base is in Arkansas
H.O.M.E. (Homemakers Organized for More Employment) located in northern Maine, one of the most poverty stricken areas in the USA. Through the years our congregation has purchased hundreds of animals for Heifer. These animals have given hope and income to people in our country, as well as in remote parts of the world. We embraced the Maine mission when we met Sr. Lucy, a Franciscan nun, who organized cottage industries into one entity to promote growth, and created innovative services for an impoverished community. We provide Christmas gifts for the children of H.O.M.E.
On a denominational level, our pledges support
Our Church’s Wider Mission through the United Church of Christ; funds are targeted toward worthy causes at home and abroad. Our congregation rises to the occasions when natural disasters have ravaged our country, and we have given to our denominational
Disaster Relief Fund USA. One hundred percent of every dollar, given to this fund, benefits the victims.
Music has been part of worshiping God from the earliest chapters of the Bible. The Psalms, which are hymns, suggest we “enter his gates with singing” (Psalm 100); we “praise him with the trumpet, harp and lyre, with the timbrel, strings, pipes and cymbals” (Psalm 150) Music can touch our hearts and souls in ways words might not, and may give added understanding, inspiration, joy, solace or encouragement to any who listen.
Our music ministry’s primary intent is to allow any and all who have the desire to praise God through music, to do so regardless of musical experience, knowledge or ability. Then we strive to achieve musical perfection. (Someday we may get close!) We have multiple ways to share everyone’s talents.
Solo presentations (vocal or instrumental)
Small group presentations (vocal, instrumental or both)
Handbell Choir
World’s Most Dangerous Church Band
Occasional Vocal Choir: Mixed voices singing together. For all ages. Ability to read music (or carry a tune) not required but helpful. Rehearsals on some Tuesday evenings.
Handbell Choir: Each person rings two or more handbells along with your fellow members. Suggested 6th grade and up. Ability to read music pretty much a necessity though we can figure something out if you’re willing to put in the time. Rehearsals on Tuesday evenings.
World’s Most Dangerous Church Band: Ensemble made up of musical instrument players. Suggested 6th grade and up. Ability to play an instrument and read music preferred but not entirely required. Rehearsals on some Tuesday evenings.
Anyone desiring to participate contact Emily, Organist or Bob Knapp, Music Director (
Sunday March 9, 9:30 Woodwinds
Tuesday March 11, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday March 16, 9:30 Band
Tuesday March 18, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday March 23, 9:30 Bells
Tuesday March 25, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday March 30, 9:30 Band
Wednesday April 2, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday April 6, 9:30 Bells
Tuesday April 8, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday April 13, 9:30 TBA
Tuesday April 15, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday April 17, 6:00 Bells
Sunday April 20, 9:30 Band
Tuesday April 22, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Sunday April 27, 9:30 TBA
Monday April 28, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday May 1, 6:30 Band
Tuesday May 6, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday May 8, 6:30 Band
Tuesday May 13, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday May 15, 6:30 Band
Tuesday May 20, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday May 22, 6:30 Band
Tuesday May 27, 6:30 Bells 7:30 Band
Thursday May 29, 6:30 Band
The First Congregational Church Book Club meets monthly from September through June, generally on the last Wednesday of the month. Book Club reads from a variety of genres including fiction, classics, non-fiction, memoirs and biographies. Members suggest and select titles in June for the following season.
Each month's session is on ZOOM but may be hosted by one or two members of the group, either in one's own home,
in the Guild Room at church or at another site. Café Sarina and Camp Denison have been some favorite locations for the get-togethers. After a discussion of the book, everyone enjoys refreshments, provided
by the host(s). Book Club welcomes everyone in the church community to attend.
All meetings at 7 PM via ZOOM
March 26
American Jezebel
by Eva LaPlante
April 30
The Collected Regrets of Clover
by Mikki Brammer
May 28
The Lioness of Boston
by Emily Franklin
June 25
The Museum of Failures
by Thrity Umrigar
The Women's Guild meets monthly to share in fellowship and food. Frequently, we will then listen to and interact with a guest speaker or work on a special project, usually related to a mission cause supported by the guild or our congregation as a whole.
Men are always welcome!
All meetings are at the Church unless stated otherwise.
$10 Dues. Pay as you can
Tuesday, March 11
at noon
Bring your own lunch
Dessert is provided
We welcome back Gladie Kneeland who will speak on one of her favorite subjects. A mystery uncovered at this meeting!
Tuesday, April 1
at noon
Bring your own lunch
Dessert is provided.
We 'll enjoy Nancy Aberman's wonderful photography and stories with "Armchair Travel, with Nancy to the UK"
Tuesday, May 6
at noon
Bring your own lunch
Dessert is provided
We'll be making small centerpiece bouquets, perfect for that special person on mother's day. A reservation is required and a small donation requested for materials. Or just come and chat!
Tuesday, June 3
at noon
Our annual visit to the Roma Restaurant in Bradford. Lunch is on you, the Guild will take care of tax and gratuity. Bring a picture of yourself aged 5 or under as we guess that child!
We love that you're here and interested in our congregation. Yet more importantly, it is our prayer that this website serves as a tool to point you to God,
so that you may experience Divine love and grace.
We love that you're here and interested in our congregation. Yet more importantly, it is our prayer that this website serves as a tool to point you to God,
so that you may experience Divine love and grace.