The Council is responsible for our congregation's overall direction and corporate opperation.


To see the duties of the Council click here.


Meetings are usually on the 3rd Wednesday

of the Month at 6:30 PM.


The next meeting is Oct. 16th at 6:30 PM.

At the church or by ZOOM


To attend please click here


To view recent meeting recaps

click here. Password required






Toni Cassidy



Rev. Holly S. Brauner



Rachel Angerhofer



Marie Birdsall-Chaffee

Christian Dev.




Bob Knapp





To leave a message for the Council, click here


The Moderator oversees and generally supervises the affairs of our congregation, especially as a corporate entity as well as presiding at meetings of both our congregation's membership and the Council.



To see the duties of the Moderator click here.


To see recent Moderator recaps

click here. Passord required






To leave a message for the Moderator, click here


The Clerk is custodian of all non-financial records and official comunications of our congregation as well as recording the actions (minutes) at meetings of both our congregation's membership and the Council.



To see the duties of the Clerk click here.


To see recent Clerk recaps

click here. Password required




Toni Cassidy


To leave a message for the Clerk, click here


The Pastor attends to the spiritual welfare of our congregation’s members and friends; preaches the Word of God; and conducts worship services, including the administration of the sacraments.



To see the duties of the Pastor click here.


To see recent Pastor recaps

click here. Password required




Rev. Holly S. Brauner


To leave a message for the Pastor, click here


The Diaconate Team supports and assists with, or, when there is no Pastor, oversees the spiritual welfare of our congregation. This includes all aspects of worship, parishioner support, and mission outreach.


To see the duties of the Diaconate Team click here.


Meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of the month

at noon


The next meeting is Spt. 6th at 12 Noon

This meeting will  be in person or on ZOOM


To attend please  click here


To see recent Diaconate recaps

click here. Password required







Rachel Angerhofer




Robert Knapp


Toni Cassidy



To leave a message for the Diaconate Team, click here


The Mission Team searches for and recommends worthy causes and organizations to be supported by our congregation, whether through financial contributions or time and talent involvement.



Meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday

of the month at 7:00 PM


The next meeting is Oct. 9th at 7 PM


To attend please  click here


To see recent Mission recaps

click here. Password required







Rachel Angerhofer


Alecia Balduf


Nancy Aberman


Marie Birdsall-Chaffee


Ruth Soper


Jo Anne Kelly

To leave a message for the Mission Team, click here


The Christian Development Team oversees all Christian educational and fellowship programs.


To see the duties of the Christian Development Team

click here.


Meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM


The next meeting is Thursday, Sept. 26th at 6:00 PM via ZOOM.


To attend please contact a Christian Development Team  click here


To see recent Christian Development recaps

click here. Password required



Marie Birdsall-Chaffee



Karen Harris



Rich Brock


To leave a message for the Christian Development Team, click here


The Property Team oversees the care, custody and protection of our congregation’s physical property and the safety of those who use it.


To see the duties of the Property Team

click here.



The next meeting is TBA


Meeting at the church


To see recent Property recaps

click here. Password required






Tom Johnson



Jo Anne Kelly


To leave a message for the Property Team, click here


The Finance Team oversees the receipt, investment and  disbursement of our congregation's donations.


To see the duties of the Finance Team

click here.


Meeting of the Finance Team are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM


The next meeting is Tuesday Oct. 8th

at 6:00 PM at the church.


To attend please come in person or attend by ZOOM.


To see recent Finance recaps

click here. Password required




Bob Knapp

Chair - Treasurer


Kristen Arsenault



George Comiskey


To leave a message for the Finance Team, click here


The Member - at - Large primarily keeps open the lines of communication between leadership and the rest of our congregation.


To see the duties of the Member - at - Large

click here.


To see recent Member-at-Large recaps

click here. Password required




To leave a message for the Member - at - Large, click here