Adopted 6/18/15
Adopted 6/18/15
All groups and persons using the Church and Church property are expected to comply with the Safe Church Policy. Groups will be told in advance what areas they may use. Classroom supplies are for Church School use only and are not to be used for any other purpose. All areas used are to be left in a clean, orderly condition.
The Property Team shall designate areas that may be used for storage purposes. Materials that constitute a fire hazard and other hazardous materials may not be stored in the Church at any time for any reason.
Smoking is not permitted on Church property.
All trash must be deposited in appropriate wastebaskets. All garbage must be deposited in the kitchen in covered, lined containers.
Groups are to secure the facilities at the conclusion of their activities as follows:
A) Ensure that all participants are accounted for and have left the building;
B) Turn off all lights. Be sure to check closets and the 2nd floor lavatories if there is any possibility they could have been entered (toilets and faucets not running and lights off). Make sure the light switches in the Men and Ladies Rooms on the 1st floor are set to AUTO;
C) Close all six fire doors between the old and new sections (two doors on each of the three levels) and close the six doors leading into the sanctuary on the 2nd level;
D) Check that all four building entrance/exit doors are properly locked:
1) To/from the back hallway and kitchen, facing the parking lot and Cottage Street;
2) To/from the landing by the stairs leading to the Church office, facing Clark Street, with stairs outside to the walk;
3) Small double doors to/from the Narthex, under the steeple, facing Clark Street;
4) Big double doors to/from the Narthex, facing the front lawn and Andover Street.
Parking spaces around the Church are very limited. In order to ensure the safety of everyone and to respect friends, neighbors, and guests, persons in charge of groups using the Church are expected to instruct their people:
A) Please do NOT park in or beside the driveway running along the back of the building between Clark and Cottage Streets. This is private property, NOT a public street. It should be kept readily accessible for emergency access and egress purposes by fire apparatus, the EMT emergency truck,
and ambulances;
B) Please observe the painted parking spaces and park vehicles within their bounds;
C) Please do not park in the handicapped spaces opposite the back hallway/kitchen access door unless you are legally physically handicapped;
D) Please do not park in front of the back hallway/kitchen access door. This is not a parking space. It must be kept open for emergency evacuation and entrance to the building;
E) Additional parking is available at the Town Office Building and in the commuter lot between Library Street and East Main Street.
In case of an incident or fire, contact a member of the Property Team or the Safety Officer(s). There is a list of people to reach next to the phone in the kitchen and posted on the bulletin board outside the Church Office.