Adopted 11/21/13
Adopted 11/21/13
POLICY: Purchasing
Applies to: All
Introduction: Anyone may order, purchase, or enter into contracts to purchase, goods or services for Our Congregation provided they comply with the following requirements.
Property Purchase: Only by vote of Our Congregation’s members, at a duly called meeting, may the purchase or lease of Real Property or Motor Vehicles be authorized.
Budgeted Items: Council members may expend up to 5% above their area of the current Annual budget without further approval.
A) Non-chair Team members shall obtain approval of their Team.
B) Volunteers shall obtain approval from the Council member to whom the budget expenditure(s) will apply. If it is not clear who this may be the Finance Chair shall decide.
C) Paid staff shall obtain approval from their overseeing Council member.
At the discretion of each Council Member individuals may be given “blanket” approval for certain items annually though the “5% above” restriction still applies. Example: The Pastor may authorize the Office Manager to purchase general office and worship supplies as needed.
Non-Budgeted Items: If individual Council members need to expend more than 5% above their area of the current Annual budget they will need:
A) Finance Team approval. (Finance decision may be appealed)
B) Our Congregation’s approval at a duly called Meeting if expenditure will be more than 5% above Our Congregation’s total Annual Budget. (see Membership Meetings of Our Congregation)
C) Council approval in emergency situations where, in the judgment of the Council, the need to take action pre-empts the time required to call a special meeting of Our Congregation.
Vendor Charge Accounts: Council Member’s or others, with approval from the Council member to whom the budget expenditure(s) will apply, may set up accounts with vendors for purposes of billing Our Congregation directly. Our Congregation’s Tax Exempt Documents should be provided (Available from the Finance Team or the Office Manager). Any vendor requests for confidential information (i.e. bank account information or references) shall be passed along to the Finance chair who may contact the vendor directly or provide necessary information to the requesting person.
Competitive Bids: It is suggested that any budgeted purchase or contract in excess of $2,000 annually, for which more than one vendor is available, should be put out for competitive bids every few years (i.e. snow plowing or elevator service contract). Any non-budgeted purchase or contract shall require at least two, preferably more, competitive bids when:
A) Purchase is in excess of $2,000.
B) Purchase is in excess of $500 and a member of Our Congregation or regular attendee is one of the potential bidders.
C) A potential bidder is family or a friend of the individual or member of the group awarding the business. (see Conflict of Interest)
Business shall be awarded to the Vendor who will best serve the needs of Our Congregation, which may or may not be the lowest bid.
Payment Options: Purchases shall be paid for by:
A) Vendor billing Our Congregation directly.
B) Individuals paying vendor from their personal funds and being reimbursed by Our Congregation. Individuals shall present a completed Request for Payment Form, including signed authorization if they are not a Council Member, and a receipt. Receipt requirement may be waived by the Finance
C) Individuals estimating cost, receiving prepayment from Our Congregation, then returning receipt And any remaining sum to the Finance Team.