Adopted 9/17/15


Applies to:  Clerk

Introduction:  The Clerk is considered the Secretary of the Corporation by state law. Therefore this person has great responsibility to keep the official, non-financial records and correspondence of Our Congregation. This also places the Clerk in an advantageous position to communicate with and promote Our Congregation’s mission and goals to, not only our members, but to the wider community as well.   


A) Be custodian of all non-financial records of Our Congregation including, but not limited to:

    1) Membership;

    2) Baptisms;

    3) Marriages;

    4) Deaths;

    5) Constitution & Bylaws; Policies; Duties, Procedures, & Requirements; and Forms


B) Record the actions (minutes) at all meetings of:

    1) Our Congregation’s membership;

    2) The Council.

C) Submit the record of actions (minutes) for approval at the next Council meeting.  Membership Meeting’s minutes shall be presented at both subsequent Council and Membership meetings;

D) Notify members of Our Congregation of Membership meetings;

E) Conduct correspondence on behalf of the Council and Our Congregation’s membership;

F) Promote Our Congregation and its mission to both its congregants and the outside community;

G) Present a written report of the state of Our Congregation’s membership, including items from A) 1 to 4 above, to Our Congregation’s Annual meeting.  Other items, events or activities of interest may also be added;

H) Provide a brief written report highlighting activity, other than minutes, by electronic means to other Council members at least two days before regular meetings. If nothing has occurred, report that there is no new information;

 I) Complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form annually;

 J) Review and amend, as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that they may be added to the computer record;

K) Comply with all related Policies.

Procedures & Requirements:

A) All non-financial records, reports and correspondence shall be kept by means and media that provides reasonable protection from fire, water, theft and magnetic damage etc. The Clerk shall also:

    1) Arrange for or provide backup for electronic records, and;

    2) Arrange for or provide transfer and upgrades as storage technology advances; The Clerk may appoint a Bylaw & Policy Secretary to oversee Constitution & Bylaws, Policies, etc.

B) Membership records shall include:

    1) Name and any later changes to name (e.g. marriage);

    2) Date of joining;

    3) Method of joining (e.g. Confirmation, Letter of Transfer etc.);

    4) Date of transfer to inactive status when applicable;

    5) Date and method of removal from membership (e.g. transfer to another church);

    6) Date of passing.

C) Baptism records shall include:

    1) Name of Baptized;

    2) Date;

    3) Name of Clergy performing the sacrament;

    4) If Baptized is an infant or young child, the name of parents or guardians.

D) Marriage records shall include;

    1) Names of couple before and after Marriage;

    2) Date;

    3) Name of Clergy performing the ceremony.

E) Submit written minutes of meeting by electronic means at least two days before regular Council meetings.

F) Provide notice for meetings of Our Congregation by:

    1) Posting a copy of the Warrant approved by the Council in the Church building at least seven days prior to the scheduled day of the meeting;

    2) Ensuring that written notice of the meeting be sent to the household of each active member at least seven days prior to the scheduled day of the meeting.

G) Determine how and by whom promotion and marketing of Our Congregation and its mission shall occur.  This includes, but is not limited to:

    1) The Clerk handling it all or;

    2) The recruiting of volunteers or;

    3) Use of Our Congregation’s paid staff or;

    4) The compensating of hired individual(s) and/or company(ies).

H) Promotion and marketing shall include, but is not limited to:

    1) Publicity of Our Congregation and events through the media, signage, etc.;

    2) Internet presentations. (e.g. Website, Facebook, etc.)

    3) Self produced print material; (e.g. Brochures, newsletters, flyers etc.)

    4) Participation in local events.

Related Policies:

Conflict of Interest, Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Group Meetings, Paid Staff, Voting, Voting Without Meeting, Safe Church, Policies