Adopted 10/13/15


Applies to:  Finance Chair & Team

Introduction:  Per By-law 5.9 the FINANCE TEAM is made up of its Chair, considered “Treasurer of the Corporation” under state law, and two other members; they shall oversee the receipt, investment and disbursement of funds.


A) Record all Pledges;

B) Collect, Record and Deposit all Pledge payments, Donations and other Income;

C) Issue receipts to donors when appropriate;

D) Record and Pay all expenses and Benevolences;

E) Invest Endowments, Special Purpose Funds & any excess revenue;

F) Transfer or Borrow from Investments when needed;

G) Exhibit all accounts to the Council and or Auditor when requested;

H) Ensure compliance with WISP;

I ) Present a report of the previous year’s income and disbursements to Our Congregation’s annual meeting;

J ) Recommend a budget for the upcoming year to Our Congregation’s annual meeting;

K) Follow, and amend as needed, the Finance Team Duty Calendar ;

L) Comply with all related Policies.

Procedures & Requirements:

A) Determine how and by whom revenues are collected and recorded, disbursements are recorded and issued (but not authorized), & investments are managed.  This includes, but is not limited to, the Chair handling it all or; the Team dividing the duties or; the recruiting of volunteers or; the compensating of hired individual(s) and/or company(ies);

B) Issue receipts, not less than twice annually, to all pledgers and regular offering plate givers;

C) Provide receipts for all other donations when feasible;

D) Initiate disbursements (except from the Local Aid Endowment) after required Team approval. Approval may occur either at meetings or by electronic means.  The Team may annually authorize certain expenditure types be dispensed without further approval. (IE utilities or benevolences);

E) Upon notification from the Diaconate Team or the Pastor the person issuing disbursements may do so from the Local Aid Endowment without Finance Team approval;

F) Seek input from other Council members and those overseeing Paid Staff when developing the budget;

G) Recommend to the Council a temporary budget for the time between the end of the fiscal year and the Annual Meeting of Our Congregation should the Annual Meeting occur after the start of the new fiscal year;

H) Create budget(s) containing anticipated income and expected expenditures for each fiscal Year;

I) Two people, usually the one retrieving the offering-plate gifts, and one other, shall witness the removal of “loose cash” (cash not in envelopes) from the offering plate after worship services.  Both shall sign the Loose Cash Verification Form;

J) Provide the Pastor, Finance Team or a Volunteer Stewardship group the names of those who pledge or give regularly, omitting amounts unless sorted into broad categories, when requested. Otherwise those who pledge shall remain confidential;

K) Seek required approval of Our Congregation before expending more than the originally endowed amount from Endowments;

L) Prepare and amend as needed an Investment Requirements document.

Related Policies:

Conflict of Interest, Duties, Procedures and Requirements amendment, Group Meetings, Paid Staff, Purchasing, Voting, Written Identification Security Program

Adopted 5/22/14



Applies to:  Food Protection Manager


Introduction:  To ensure proper and safe food handling & storage and to comply with state law the Property Team shall appoint a Food Protection Manager.



A) Obtain ServSafe Protection Manager Certificate.

B) Ensure compliance with all state and local health requirements.

C) Acquire necessary permits.

D) Inspect Kitchen and Pantry, including appliances, regularly.

E) Report to the Property Team at least quarterly.

F) Inform those preparing food of proper techniques and storage.

G) Comply with all related Policies.


Related Policies:

Purchasing, Use of the Church Kitchen, Amending Duties, Procedured & Requirements






Adopted 9/17/15


Applies to:  Internal Auditor(s)

Introduction: An inspection of Our Congregation’s finances protects the integrity of both our donors and record keepers.    


A) Audit the financial records of Our Congregation, checking accuracy and procedures annually.  Because records are on computer and continually updated this may be done at any time during the year;

B) Report findings and any recommended procedural changes to the Council;

C) Present a written report to Our Congregation at the annual meeting.

D) When required by the Moderator, complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form;

E) After audit completion, review, and amend as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that they may be added to the computer record;

F) Comply with all related Policies.

Procedures & Requirements:

A) Randomly review at least ten payments by:

    1) Checking original bill or payment request;

    2) Confirming that proper approval procedures have been followed;

    3) Verifying data entry in QuickBooks;

    4) Confirming payment on checking statement.

B) Randomly review at least five deposits by:

    1) Checking check and cash received on the original deposit slip;

    2) Verifying data entry on Collector’s work sheet;

    3) Verifying data entry in QuickBooks;

    4) Confirming deposit on checking statement.

C) Randomly check with at least five contributors ensuring accurate recording of donations and receipt of statements for tax records;

D) Inspect the Investment Requirements Statement and confirm compliance;

E) Review the Written Information Security Program (WISP) and confirm compliance;

F) Review the procedure for handling loose cash (letter I under Procedures on the Finance Team Duties document) and ensure compliance;

G) Inspect payroll records verifying:

    1) W4 and I9 forms, when required, are on file and secure;

    2) Appropriate withholding amounts;

    3) State and Federal tax payments;

    4) Timely issuance of W2s.

H) Verify issuing of 1099 forms for paid individuals not on payroll receiving at least $600 in compensation;

 I) Inspect one year’s worth of investment statements for reasonability;

 J) Perform other inspections as seems appropriate.

Related Policies:

Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Conflict of Interest

Adopted 6/18/15




Applies to:  The Safety Officer and the person responsible for issuing keys for the Church



Duties:  Become familiar with Safe Church Policy, the CORI Policy, and the Key Application and Requirements form



Procedures & Requirements:

A) All individuals requesting a key to the Church must complete a Key Application and Requirements form;

B) Once the form is completed and need is shown, keys may be issued based on the following criteria:

    1) A Church member or volunteer who is not required to complete a CORI check may receive a key right away;

    2) A Church member, volunteer or employee who is required to complete a CORI check must first complete a CORI Acknowledgement Form, which will be given to the Safety Officer to conduct the check; once the individual has been determined to be suitable to serve by the Safety Officer, a key        may be issued; a CORI is required for all prospective employees, volunteers, and keyholders who may, at any time, have supervision of children under the age of 18, as required by the Criminal Justice Information Services and MGL c.6, section 172;

    3) Individuals renting the church, those responsible for a group renting the church, or any others performing services for the Church (such as the oil company), may be issued a key after an Application for Use of Church Property form has been completed, approved by the Property Team, and any applicable rent/fees have been paid as required;

C) Keyholders are to be advised that they are responsible for upholding Safe Church Policy and all Use of Church Property guidelines, as noted on the Key Application and Requirements form;    

D) Once a key has been issued, a record of all keys/keyholders must be maintained and reviewed annually with the Safety Officer;

E) Changes to this document and to the Key Application and Requirements form may be made by the Property Team.



Related Policies:  Safe Church; CORI




Adopted 9/17/15



Applies to:  Member at Large


Introduction:  The Member at Large represents all “non-leadership” congregants.  Primarily, this person keeps open the lines of communication between those serving in positions of authority and those who are not regularly attending meetings. Consequently, best practice is to select a Member at Large who is not already serving on teams or other leadership positions.



A) Actively seek the thoughts, opinions, wishes, concerns, etc. of the members and regular attendees of Our Congregation;

B) Voice these thoughts, opinions, wishes, concerns, etc. to the Council or individual leaders;

C) Circulate Council or other leadership decisions, information, reasons, etc. to individuals or groups as seems appropriate;

D) Enlist volunteers to welcome persons to worship services or events when suitable;

E) Provide a brief written report by electronic means highlighting activity to other Council members at least two days before regular meetings. If nothing has occurred, report that there is no new information;

F) Complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form annually;

G) Review, and amend as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that it may be added to the computer record;

H) Comply with all related Policies.


Procedures & Requirements:

A) Many different formats may be used to seek opinions. These may include, but are not limited to:

    1) Monthly Newsletters;

    2) Worship bulletins;

    3) Our Congregation’s website;

    4) Worship service announcements;

    5) Direct mailing;

    6) Individual or group conversations.

B) Provide the Church office with the names of any “welcomers”.


Related Policies:

Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Conflict of Interest





Adopted 6/18/15



Applies to:  Moderator


Introduction:  The Moderator is considered the President of the Corporation by state law. Therefore this person has great responsibility and authority. Mostly this person should use this authority to ensure that all are performing their prescribed duties.



A) Preside impartially at Our Congregation’s membership meetings, voting only in case of a tie;

B) Chair the Council, maintaining the right to make motions, be heard and vote;

C) Seek out items for and create an agenda for Council meetings;

D) Ensure that the Clerk is sworn in following each election as required by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

E) Exercise such general supervision of the affairs of Our Congregation as its interests may require;

F) Seek persons and cause them to be nominated to serve:

          1) In Council positions, except a Pastor, and Team positions required by Our Congregation’s Constitution and Bylaws;

          2) In Volunteer positions as seems appropriate;

          3) In collaboration with the Pastor and the Diaconate Team, on a Pastoral Relations Team;

G) Ensure that our Pastor and Paid staff receive performance reviews at least annually, preferably written;

H) Resolve conflicts between Paid staff or Volunteers and their overseeing Team or individual;

 I)  Cause Our Congregation’s financial records to be audited annually;

 J) Call a meeting of any Team that has not met for 60 days, except for July and August.

K) Decide which and inform any Volunteers that need to complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form annually. Review Paid staff’s and selected Volunteers’ Annual Conflict of interest Disclosure Forms. Present any real or perceived conflicts to the Council for resolution. Collect and store for two years all Disclosure forms.

L) Provide a brief written report highlighting activity to other Council members by electronic means at least two days before regular meetings. If nothing has occurred report that there is no new information;

M) Review and amend, as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that it may be added to the computer record;

N) Comply with all related Policies.


A) Clerk's oath of office may be similar to: "I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that, with the help of God, I will support the Constitution and Bylaws and Policies of the First Congregational Church of Georgetown, Inc. Further, I will faithfully and impartially discharge the responsibilities of the Clerk to the best of my ability."


B) When seeking persons to serve, the Moderator may:

    1) Directly ask candidates;

    2) Appoint an individual or Team to inquire.

Those searching for Nominees should:

    1) Ascertain what positions need to be filled and their expected length of service;

    2) Discern the Qualifications for the position which may include talent, training or membership status.

         (See: Constitution and Bylaws, Duties, Procedures and Requirements, Conflict of Interest, Safe Church)

    3) Determine if a person already serving in a position is leaving due to a term limit. If not, best practice is to ask person to continue.

    4) Seek recommendations from those already serving;

    5) Ask eligible person(s) to serve;

    6) Keep Moderator informed as to progress and present nominee list to Moderator when complete or when asked;

    7) In situations where a willing person is ending service only because of term restrictions, and a new candidate can’t be found, consider having Council override the applicable Bylaw or Policy.


C) When dealing with Paid staff or volunteer issues the Moderator may:

    1) Handle the situation alone except for cases of dismissal which shall come before the Council;

          (See: Removal of a Council member, Team member, or Volunteer, Paid Staff)

    2) Seek assistance from the Pastor or other qualified person;

    3) Appoint a person or Team on a case by case basis;

    4) Create a Human Resource position or Team annually.


D) To Audit the financial records the Moderator may:

    1) Hire an outside individual or company;

    2) Request non-chair members of the Finance Team and, perhaps, one other;

    3) Appoint a person or team;

    4) Perform the task alone.

Though most outside hires would be one individual, best practices for audits by persons from Our Congregation would be to have at least two serve.

Primary goal of the audit is to ensure:

    1) Security of Our Congregations financial resources;

    2) Appropriate procedures are followed in the receipt of donations and the issuing of payments.

E) If a Team has not met for 60 days, and thus not following the group meeting procedures the Moderator should:

    1) Contact the chair to inquire as to the reason;

    2) Ask the chair to call a meeting and to notify all as per the Group Meeting Policy;

    3) In the absence, or reluctance, of the chair, call a meeting and notify all as per the Group Meeting Policy. In this latter situation the Moderator should attend the meeting and determine if any further appropriate action is necessary.

Related Policies:

Conflict of Interest, Duties, Procedures and Requirements amendment, Group Meetings, Paid Staff, Voting, Voting Without Meeting, Safe Church, Policies

Adopted 11/18/15



Applies to:  Settled or Interim Pastor


Introduction:  Per Bylaw 5.2 the Pastor is an ordained Christian minister who attends to the spiritual welfare of Our Congregation’s members, attendees, and other souls as is practical; preaches the Word of God; and conducts worship services, including the administration of the sacraments.


Duties:  These activities may be performed by the Pastor or someone recruited by the Pastor, excepting that the Sacraments shall be administered by an ordained minister.


A) Worship

    1. Provide the leadership needed to maintain Our Congregation as an ongoing spiritual entity;

    2. Attend to the spiritual welfare of the parish, preach the Word of God, conduct worship services, and administer the sacraments.


B) Parishioner Support

    1. Provide counseling, or recommend a counselor, to any member and, time permitting, to non-members in need of such service;

    2. Seek to know the membership and attendees;

    3. Assist and support the various Teams of Our Congregation.


C) Outreach

    Guide Our Congregation in fulfilling it’s Christian responsibilities to the denomination and community.


D) Missions

    Explore organizations to consider for financial and/or physical support.


E) Administrative Support

    1. Promptly provide the Clerk with names and dates of persons baptized, married, received into membership or deceased;

    2. Present a written report summarizing the previous year’s activities at the Annual Meeting;

    3. Provide leadership and general oversight over Our Congregation’s business operations and facilities;

    4. Directly oversee the day to day operations of the church office.


F) Duty Calendar

    Follow, and amend as necessary, the Pastor’s Duty Calendar.


G) Other

    1. Complete Conflict of Interest Form annually;

    2. Comply with all related policies;

    3. Review, and amend when necessary, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements at least annually.




A) Worship

    1. Provide for Our Congregation’s spiritual mission and worship services, including celebration of the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, in coordination with the Diaconate Team and calendar;

    2. Request pastoral coverage when absent for worship services.


B) Parishioner Support

    1. Counsel parishioners as needed;

    2. Call and/or visit parishioners when appropriate, giving priority to those homebound, in a hospital or nursing home.  Confer with the Diaconate on the list on visitation;

    3. Select Pastoral Relations Team members with the Moderator and Diaconate.

        a) Meet with the Team regularly;

        b) Offer and lead training for the Team. Available UCC material may be used;

        c) Receive input and suggestions from the Team, or its individual members, on the ideas, dreams, opinions, hopes, expectations, concerns etc. of Our Congregation. Unless otherwise decided by the Team and the Pastor, all discussions should remain confidential.

        d) Have the Team serve as intermediary when satisfactory resolution of a conflict with a parishioner has not been achieved.

    4. Prepare and lead Confirmation Classes when appropriate. Work with the Diaconate to obtain class list, materials, volunteers, etc.;

    5. Offer adult educational programs during the year as seems appropriate;

    6. Request pastoral coverage when absent from parishioner support.


C) Outreach

    1. Work with the Diaconate on contacting persons new to the community;

    2. Attend, and encourage parishioners to attend, meetings of the Northeast Association, Southern New England Conference, and General Synod of the UCC.


D) Missions

    1. Research, or assist the mission team to research, UCC, congregational, local or other organizations deemed worthy of financial or physical support by Our Congregation;

    2. Confer and counsel the Mission Team as needed.


E) Administrative  Support

    1. Financial:

        a) Manage and administer the items in the budget under Pastor’s control including the office budget;

        b) Purchase, or allow the Office Manager to purchase, supplies, furnishings, small appliances, hardware, services and minor repairs to support Duties A through E; (Purchasing)

        c) Have no authority to buy, sell, mortgage or otherwise acquire or encumber any real estate, motor vehicle, historical artifacts, or to borrow or invest in the name of Our Congregation;

        d) Collect, or have collected, data and compile information to create an office budget request, including any recommended compensation adjustments for employees under the Pastor’s direct supervision, annually prior to the Finance Teams budget meeting.

    2. Office:

        a) Communicate regularly with the office manager;

        b) Create procedures to ensure good communication and collaboration between the office and the various Teams and Volunteers;

        c) Conduct regular staff meetings;

        d) Provide the Employee(s) and applicable Volunteers under the Pastor’s direct supervision with a performance appraisal at least annually;

        e) When a vacancy occurs in a compensated position under the Pastor’s direct supervision, select and hire a new Employee following the Paid Staff Policy;

        f) New positions, or raises for an existing Employee more than 105% of the total office budget, shall follow the Paid Staff Policy.


        a) Meet with Diaconate on annual performance appraisal;

        b) Participate in all hiring decisions of Our Congregation;

        c) Correspond for Our Congregation as needed;

        d) Follow Council requirements, including brief monthly reports. 

Adopted 12/17/15



Applies to:  Pastoral Search Team


Introduction:  Appointed by the Council, the Pastoral Search Team seeks to know the hopes and goals of Our Congregation and recommend a candidate for Settled (permanent) Pastor to best help us achieve these hopes and goals.



A) Determine how the Team will operate;

B) Obtain appropriate information, guidance, and input from the UCC;

C) Seek to know the desires, hopes, goals, opinions, etc. of Our Congregation;

D) Create a profile of Our Congregation for prospective candidates to view;

E) Seek a candidate;

F) Work with the Finance Team to create a compensation package for the recommended candidate;

G) Recommend a candidate to the Council which will then schedule a special meeting of Our Congregation to vote on calling the candidate;

H) Present the candidate to Our Congregation allowing them to meet with and see and hear the candidate conduct a worship service.  Usually scheduled closely to the special meeting;

I ) Present a written report of progress to be included in the Annual Reports of Our Congregation;

J ) Complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form annually;

K) Review, and amend as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements. Notify Council of any changes so that it may be added to the computer record;

L) Comply with all related Policies.


Procedures & Requirements:

A) Determining how the Team shall operate may include, but is not limited to:

    1) Choosing a chair;

    2) Selecting other members to keep records, conduct correspondence, set up interviews etc.;

    3) Determining frequency of meetings

B) Creating a profile of Our Congregation may include, but is not limited to:

    1) Having large informational meetings;

    2) Conducting surveys;

    3) Holding small discussion groups;

    4) Conversing with individuals;

C) Seeking a candidate may include, but is not limited to:

    1) Reviewing Pastoral Profiles;

    2) Interviewing potential candidates in person or by electronic means;

    3) Hearing candidates preach, usually at a neutral location.



Related Policies:

Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Conflict of Interest


Adopted 12/17/15



Applies to:  Pastoral Relations Team


Introduction:  Appointed by the Diaconate, Moderator and the Pastor, the Pastoral Relations Team seeks to support and maintain an open and healthy relationship between the Pastor and Our Congregation.



A) Convey the ideas, dreams, opinions, hopes, expectations, concerns, etc. of the members and regular attendees of Our Congregation to the Pastor;

B) Present, when appropriate, the ideas, dreams, functions, needs etc, of the Pastor to individual members and regular attendees of Our Congregation;

C) Act as an intermediary in cases of disagreement or conflict between the Pastor and a congregant;

D) Encourage the Pastor to participate in continuing education, take suitable time off, and plan appropriate sabbaticals;

E) Establish and maintain operating guidelines;

F) Make recommendations or suggestions, as seems appropriate, regarding A through E;

G) Meet with the Pastor at least quarterly;

H) Present a written report, omitting all confidential or potentially confidential material, summarizing the previous year’s activities to the Diaconate annually.

I ) Inform the Council on any issues which may need Council or UCC action;

J ) Complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form annually;

K) Review, and amend as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that it may be added to the computer record;

L) Comply with all related Policies.


Procedures & Requirements:

A) Promote an atmosphere of trust by:

    1) Maintaining strict confidence on all matters brought before individual members and the Team;

    2) Unless voted otherwise by a minimum 2/3 majority of team members present, conduct ALL meetings in executive session with the following exceptions:

        a) The Pastor shall attend all meetings unless voted otherwise by a minimum 2/3 majority of team members present;

        b) Individuals involved in conflict may be asked to attend;

    3) Releasing or discussing, outside of executive sessions, only such information as is agreed to by the

        parties involved.

B) Many different formats may be used to seek opinions. These may include, but are not limited to:

    1) Monthly Newsletters;

    2) Worship bulletins;

    3) Our Congregation’s website;

    4) Worship service announcements;

    5) Direct mailing;

    6) Individual or group conversations.


Related Policies:

Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Conflict of Interest



Adopted 5/22/14



Applies to:  Property Chair & Team


Introduction:  Per By-law 5.8 the PROPERTY TEAM is made up of its Chair and two other members.  They shall oversee the care, custody and protection of Our Congregation’s physical property and the

safety of those who use it.



A) Maintain Our Congregation’s buildings, grounds and equipment.

B) Protect Our Congregation’s physical assets through inspection and the purchase & review of appropriate insurance. (See Purchasing)

C) Strive to reasonably sustain a high level of security and safety for:

          1) All persons using Our Congregation’s property and equipment;

          2) Our Congregation’s members and friends when outside of Our Congregation’s property but engaged in Our Congregation’s endeavors.

D) Select and oversee a member of Our Congregation to be the Safety Officer and another to be the assistant Safety officer.

E) Select and oversee a person to be the Food Protection Manager.

F) Manage the Property Team’s budget.

G) Inform the Council of substantial maintenance situations. (IE redecoration, roof re-shingling, furnace replacement etc.)

H) Provide employees under the Property Team’s supervision with performance appraisals and recommend to the Finance Team wage adjustments at least annually. (See Paid Staff)

I) Oversee the rental of church property.

J) Present a report of the previous year’s activities of the Property Team to Our Congregation at the annual meeting.

K) Recommend a Property Team budget for the upcoming year to the Finance Team.

L) Follow, and amend as needed, the Property Team Duty Calendar.

M) Comply with all related Policies.


Procedures & Requirements:

A) Determine how and by whom the following will be accomplished.  This includes, but is not limited to, the Chair handling it all or; the Team dividing the duties or; the recruiting of volunteers or; the compensating of hired individual(s) or company(ies).

    1) The regular cleaning and restocking of appropriate supplies of Our Congregation’s building(s). See Cleaning Duty Calendar

    2) The general upkeep of Our Congregation’s grounds, including regular mowing and snow removal.

    3) The regular inspection and repair of Our Congregation’s building(s) and equipment.

B) Establish, and amend when needed, a Use of Church Property requirements document.

    Rental will usually involve a user fee but this may be waived for some other form of compensation.  Rentals are short term uses of facilities and/or equipment, though they may be reoccurring. Rental requiring permanent installation of equipment or long time usage is considered a lease and needs

    approval of Our Congregation.   (See Membership Meetings of Our Congregation)   

C) Determine who will oversee the rental of Our Congregation’s building(s) and/or equipment. This Includes:

    1) Maintaining a scheduling calendar;

    2) Notifying appropriate staff, volunteers, and others using the facilities.

    3) Ensuring contracts, when necessary, are signed and copies are forwarded to the Church office. Those requiring monetary compensation shall also be forwarded to the Finance Team.

     4) Issuing keys, when required, once the Key Application document is signed.


Related Policies:

Conflict of Interest, Duties, Procedures and Requirements amendment, Group Meetings, Paid Staff, Purchasing, Voting, Safe Church




Adopted 6/18/15




Applies to: Safety Officer(s)




A) Become familiar with CORI rules and regulations as defined by the Criminal History Systems Board (see full details at;

B) Verify information on CORI Acknowledgement Forms;

C) Perform CORI screenings on all employees and volunteers that will interact with children under the age of 18, any others as necessary, and determine suitability to serve;

D) Each Safety Officer shall ensure that the other Safety Officer has cleared a CORI screening and been determined to be suitable to serve;

E) The Safety Officer(s) will ensure that appropriate teams and individuals provide Safe Church documentation and/or information to their respective parties, including but not limited to, youth group leaders, Church School teachers, and all key holders;

F) The Safety Officer(s) shall oversee key distribution and return; this includes:

    1) An annual inventory of keys in coordination with the person actually issuing keys and recalling them as necessary;

    2) Review and update the Key Application and Requirements form as needed;

G) Receive and submit any Incident Report Form to the appropriate authority and notify the Council;

H) Assist with or complete and file Mandated Reporter Forms with the MA Department of Children & Families (DCF) when necessary;

I) Maintain all CORI reports and Incident Report Forms in a locked file accessible only by the two CORI officers and the Pastor; any CORI reports and Incident Report Forms that are received electronically will be kept in an encrypted format accessible only by the two CORI officers and the Pastor;

J) Provide follow-up inquiry after an Incident Report Form has been submitted, formulate recommendations based on the findings, and present all appropriate information to the Council; if/when necessary, manage communications with the congregation and handle inquiries from outside sources   (press, etc.) regarding the incident and the actions taken;

K) Maintain and update the Building Evacuation Plan at least annually and ensure that anyone using the Church facilities is provided with evacuation details;

L) Review the Safe Church Policy and the CORI Policy at least annually and suggest any changes to the Council;

M) Review these Duties, Procedures & Requirements at least annually and make revisions as needed; the Property Team and Council are to be notified of any changes made.

N) Submit expenditure requests to the Property Team as needed;

O) Submit budget recommendations to the Property Team as needed for the upcoming year;

P) Present a report of the previous year's activities to the Property Team annually.

Q) Comply with all related Policies.



Procedures & Requirements:



Related Policies:

CORI, Safe Church, Amendments to Duties, Procedures & Requirements, Purchasing





Adopted 9/17/15



Applies to:  UCC (United Church of Christ) Delegate(s)


Introduction:  A UCC Delegate represents Our Congregation, with voice and voting rights, at meetings of the Northeast Association, the Southern New England Conference of the UCC & the National General Synod of the United Church of Christ. Our Congregation is entitled to at least two UCC delegates to the Northeast Association.  



A) Attend business meetings and ecclesiastical councils of the Northeast Association;

B) Attend, as is practical, other Northeast Association events. (Installations, seminars, etc.);

C) Attend, when appropriate or desired, Southern New England Conference or National General Synod meetings of the UCC. 

D) Except when given instructions from the Council, use personal judgment and prayerful discernment when assessing, discussing and voting on issues before each body.  Consider what is in the best interest of Our Congregation as well as what is good for the larger UCC community;

E) Provide a brief report to the Council, either by electronic means or in person, highlighting business actions taken or other noteworthy circumstances presented by any of the UCC organizations;

F) Report to Our Congregation, when thought proper or requested by the Council, items of concern or interest;

G) Keep Our Congregation and its leadership informed of relevant future events, meetings, issues. etc. of the various UCC groups.  Consider asking non-delegates to be present;

H) Keep record of expenses incurred;

 I) When requested by the Council, present a written report of the previous year’s activities to Our Congregation at the annual meeting.

 J) When required by the Moderator, complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form;

K) Review, and amend as needed, these Duties, Procedures and Requirements annually. Notify Council of any changes so that they may be added to the computer record;

L) Comply with all related Policies.


Procedures & Requirements:

A) If a UCC Delegate is unable to attend a business meeting or ecclesiastical council of the Northeast Association, this person should suggest a replacement to the Council for approval or inform the Moderator to recruit another volunteer;

B) Information for Our Congregation may be presented by:

    1) Monthly Newsletters;

    2) Worship bulletins;

    3) Our Congregation’s website;

    4) Worship service announcements;

    5) Direct mailing;

    6) Individual our group conversations.

C) Expenses incurred:

    1) May be considered charitable contributions on the individual’s tax returns if not reimbursed;

    2) May be reimbursed using the Request for Payment form;

    3) Need prior Finance Team approval when above 105% of the UCC delegate’s budget, with the exception of transportation costs under $25 to Northeast Association events. The Finance team’s decision may be appealed to the Council.


Related Policies:

Duties, Procedures and Requirements Amendment, Council Appeal, Conflict of Interest






Adopted 6/18/15




Applies to:  Any sanctioned group activity of Our Congregation involving children under the age of 18 that occurs off of the Church grounds; this includes all off-site activities regardless of duration.






Procedures & Requirements:

A) An Offsite Activity Permission Slip must be signed by the parent or guardian of any minor child under the age of 18 prior to departure (even when a parent or parents are participating); 

B) Permission slips will be held by the group leaders and taken to the Church Office when the group returns;

C) All drivers must be licensed for at least 3 years; drivers must be insured and complete the Vehicle Operator Information Form prior to departure;

D) There should be one adult chaperone for every 8 children, with a minimum of two chaperones on any trip or activity.  If both male and female unaccompanied minor children are included, there should be at least one male and one female chaperone. 

E) A list of all participants, including chaperones, should be left in the Church Office prior to departure.  The list should include all pertinent trip information, such as departure and arrival times, itinerary, and cell phone numbers of all leaders and chaperones attending.



Related Policies:

Safe Church